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Showing posts sorted by date for query techshop. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, November 1, 2013

South FIRST FRIDAYS Art Walk Today!

JOIN US for the next South FIRST FRIDAYS art walk on November 1st
from 7–11pm.
The South FIRST FRIDAYS art walk is a self-guided evening tour through galleries, museums, and independent creative businesses featuring exhibitions and special performances.

  • Anno Domini // the second coming of Art & Design – 366 South First St. map

    Opening reception: The Wind Whips the Palm Fronds new works by Megan Diddie
    Breathing up from the ocean
    To touch the tree covered mountains
    To rain on the forest floors
    The Fog blanketed our vision…
    Now see a car, a pelican flapping by the windshield
    Now see the bramble wrap around the leg
    Now a thousand legs pounding out paths
    Now the forms recoil, the surf slaps the rock
    Phrases meshing images of plants
    into half useful shapes:
    A basket walled on three sides,
    A shawl fraying violently at the end, becoming two
    In air, Bougainvillea vines behind
    A curtain of chimes, pushed by wind
    Clanging against their wills
    Images held, Images remembered
    Now see Flowers in the phone
    Winding through the Fog hung coastal range
    Now trammelling ahead in Flatness
    At rest.
    ~poem by Tim Hogan
    On view in galleryTWO: Suicide­ a new series by Barron Storey.
    The legendary illustrator and fine artist Barron Storey returns to Anno Domini for his fifth solo exhibition with the gallery. Having lost several people close to him to suicide: mother, her brother, ex-wife, and close friend, Storey began asking others: “Did you know anyone who committed suicide?” So many did. Storey made drawings of each one in his journals….pages and pages of them. The resulting art works on canvas are poignant, beautifully expressed moments of deep despair and the struggle to understand “why?”.
    An illustrator, graphic novelist, fine artist and noted educator, Barron Storey has created award-winning artworks for the covers and pages of Time, National Geographic, Saturday Review, and The Sandman: Endless Nights, among many others including the cover of the classic novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding (1980 edition.) His artworks are held in the collections of the National Air and Space Museum, the American Museum of Natural History, and Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery.
    Storey resides in San Francisco, CA and is a professor at California College of the Arts and San Jose State University.
  • Higher Fire Clayspace & Gallery – 499 South Market St. map

    Elaine Pinkernell creates fine art for the wall and funky functional tableware. Her creativity is contagious! The ‘Pink’ credo… “Pay attention to process. You may just find that the accident along the way pleases you more than the original goal. And make sure you laugh & play along the way!”
    Elaine Pinkernell’s latest works are displayed with new porcelain work by Chi Wong, and a pit-firing exhibit from the Orchard Valley Ceramic Arts Guild.
    Reception for all the artists featured this November will be held in conjunction with South First Friday Art Walk, November 1st from 7-11pm.
  • KALEID gallery – 88 South Fourth St. map

    FLOWERS an André Hart & Al Preciado collaboration
    This is a show about flowers, but it’s not really about flowers.
    It’s an exhibition featuring two artists.
    One a loose, out of control, maniac beast of an artist. The other sublime, controlled and
    precise with each brushstroke.
    One represents generation Y, the other is an archaic relic from the baby boomer generation.
    This is a show about creative construction and destruction and reconstruction.
    This is heaven and earth, good and evil.
    This is an angel flowing out with goodness smashing into Satan with his baleful look.
    This is a wordless, nonverbal explosion of two like-minded individuals exploring in an organic
    and intuitive way the process of painting by the combination of divergent styles.
    This is a show about flowers , but it’s really not about flowers.
  • MACLA Movimiento de Arte y Cultura Latino Americana – 510 South First St. map

    Rojas, Jorge, Tortilla Oracle, video still
    Art Exhibiton: MAIZE Y MÁS:From Mother to Monster?
    Work by Yvonne Escalante, Yolanda Guerra, Fernando Mastrangelo, Viva Paredes, and Jorge Rojas
    An exhibition that explores the role that corn plays in our current food system and in Latino culture and uncovers the links between food, cultural identity and health.
    Related Event: 7–11pm Tortilla Oracle performance by Jorge Rojas
    Dance Performance: 8–9:30pmLos Lupeños, Mexican folklorico dances
  • Phantom Galleries – 376 South 1st St. map

    Phantom Galleries presents Dysfunctional by Andrew Agutos
    “My canvases are windows into an ideal world imagined in my head. Architectural, geometric structures are surrounded and covered in patterns referencing pop art, abstract expressionism and graffiti. Remixed Warhol-camouflage, iconic cartoon imagery and colors from the fashion world are presented in a synthetic space much like the internet. Organic forms are layered with angular shapes, creating environments that are comfortable, chaotic, inviting and unknown.”
  • Phantom Galleries – 95 South Market St. map

    Phantom Galleries presents Heritage of Rural Life in India by Yasala Balaiah.
    Yasala Balaiah an established senior artist was born in India in 1939 & now resides in Hyderabad. Balaiah is also known for his delightful paintings of “Telangana Women,” drawn from the beautiful rural backdrop of his native land. His colorful paintings of brightly attired, dark complexioned, straight nosed strong boned Telangana women, captured with a native candor brings a refreshing whiff of rural splendor.
    One can’t help but admire the artist’s attention to detail and the extensive work that has gone into not just portraying the expressions but their attire too. Use of bright orange, red, yellow and green has a captivating effect. Whether it is a group of women gossiping in the village or farmers with their cattle, each painting narrates a story of the rural life.
  • San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles – 520 South First St. map

    Fiberart International
    This internationally renowned exhibition is considered the premier platform and benchmark for the latest movements and innovations in the ever-evolving field of fiber art. Pushing the boundaries of fiber art, the exhibit showcases works that are both conceptually groundbreaking and visually stunning. The show, which is a west coast premiere, features 40 works from a diverse group of 37 national and international artists, both acclaimed and emerging, and explores a wide spectrum of textile practices.
    Cathy Breslaw, Forever Plaid, 2009, Industrial mesh, mixed media, layering and weaving, 17” x 16”
    Translucence: Cathy Breslaw
    Southern California artist Cathy Breslaw’s recent work uses a unique material— an industrial mesh sourced in Shanghai—that she layers, manipulates, and combines to create ethereal abstract hangings.
    The premier exhibit for our exciting new exhibition program, FiberSpace is Interpretations, which features fourteen cloth panels created by members of the Art Cloth Network. The Art Cloth Network is a nationwide organization of professional artists who focus on the creation of Art Cloth – cloth transformed by adding or subtracting color, line, shape, texture, value or fiber to create beautiful, evocative, and seductive pieces of art. Theses artists believe that cloth in and of itself is beautiful, can invite contemplation, and engage and compel viewers via process, story and tactile appeal.
    Fiber Salon: Etsy Meet & Make
    Join Artist Amy Brown in making mini thread spool charms at the next Etsy Meet & Make Fiber Salon. Thread a spool with bright colored thread or yarn and make your own keychain or necklace charms.
  • Seeing Things Gallery – 30 North Third St. map

    Opening reception: For the Birds featuring artists Katherine Levin-Lau & Kelly Detweiler
    Kelly Detweiler
    Kelly’s work is varied in content and in media. Having started as a ceramist, the mentality creating multiple objects still resonates in his work. The connection to his ceramic past is echoed in subject matter such as vases and vessels throughout the work. The floral and landscape imagery often refer back to his childhood in Colorado and to his extensive travels as an adult. Aside from the obvious influences of his teachers, the work of many European painters informs his work. Picasso and the cubists, Balthus, Bosch, Bocklin, Beckmann and many more can be seen in various pieces. The overriding sense of the work is a fun loving and optimistic approach to making art and experiencing the world around us.
    Katherine Levin Lau
    I am a perpetual student of nature. My explorations have taken me to physical places such as tide pools and forests and my learning broadened by museums and books. I am filled with wonder at the beautiful, horrific, bizarre and puzzling intricacies of nature.
    In 1992, I saw my first “curiosity cabinet” at the Royal Palace in Prague. These cabinets, sometimes called wonderkammen, gained popularity with a new breed of collectors during the renaissance and later were the precursors of our modern museums. Originally the hobby of the social elite; the collections became more publicly attainable when men like PT Barnum realized the monetary potential and purchased, displayed and scattered these collections for his own gain. It was wonderful to see the Prague collection, intact and still in all its chaotic glory. A large étagère dominated the room with curved glass doors and shelves crammed to the top with objects. The collection was jumbled with no clear order; stuffed birds, statues, coral, and animal’s paw, dried flower specimens, a shrunken head, turtle shells, a dried puffer fish piled one on top of the other, vying for attention.
    My current body of work reflects the impact of this visit to Prague. I have collected images from nature and anthropology and use these as elements in a personal iconography, (for instance, the crow always represents self). I try to utilize a nonsymmetrical balance and juxtapose images of contrasting origins in homage to the Prague cabinet’s jumbled shelves.
    All the images are hand painted on a zinc plated and printed by many runs through the press. The original paintings are monochromatic and have been enhanced with color layered using viscosity techniques. Often the ghost of one image is used to begin the next print.
    Katherine has shown her works at the following galleries; Branner-Spangenburg Gallery in Palo Alto, Walter Bischoff Galleries in Berlin and Zell Germany, Lowe Gallery in Atlanta, Georgia and SOMA Gallery in San Diego just to name a few. Her selected public collections are in the following locations; the San Jose Museum of Art, Triton Museum of Art in Santa Clara, VillaHaiss Museum of Art in Zell Germany, San Jose Hilton Hotel/City of San Jose, Crocker-Kingsley Museum in Sacramento, Ministry of Belgium Permanent Collection and San Jose State University.
  • Works San Jose – 365 South Market St. map

    Outside Inside Out
    Force129 and Niftyvee create a site specific installation with recent mixed media artwork that demonstrates the convergence, clash, and collaborative influences between contemporary and street art in and around their domestic environment.
  • ZERO1 Garage – 439 South First St. map

    Patent Pending
    Patent Pending, is a group exhibition that uses patents as a starting point to investigate the relationship between artists, ownership, and invention. This exhibition will feature artworks by contemporary artists that have either resulted from, or led to, a patent that the artist has either received a patent for or is patent pending. Participating artists are Maggie Orth, Catherine Richards, Phil Ross, Daniel Rozin, Scott Snibbe, and Camille Utterback & Romy Achituv. As inventors and innovators, artists change the way we look at and interact with the world. Like the entrepreneurs and inventors who have defined Silicon Valley, many artists have patented interfaces, processes, and creations with broad uses beyond their art practice. Patent Pendingcontinues ZERO1’s exploration of the relationship between artists and invention and goes behind the artist’s experiences navigating the patent system to reveal the complexities of owning and sharing ideas in contemporary times. Patent Pending was inspired, in part, by the changes in U.S. patent law that went into effect on March 16, 2013 and repositioned the United States patent filing system from a first-to-invent to a first-to-file system, as well as in response to plans to open a U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in Silicon Valley. Throughout the exhibition, as a means to explore the role of patents in creative communities, ZERO1 will bring together the arts, entrepreneur, and legal communities in dialogue around what the changes to the U.S. patent system mean for inventions and inventors in Silicon Valley and beyond.
  • Cafe Stritch – 374 South First St. map

    No Walls Between Us: An Exhibition of Jazz Photographs by Kathy Sloane
    Work culled from over 30 years of jazz photography by Kathy Sloane, including images from her 2011 book Keystone Korner: Portrait of a Jazz Club.
  • Caffé Frascati – 315 South First St. map

    A collection of art work upstairs and downstairs of 12 adult artists from Employment and Community Options, a nonprofit organization that educates and empowers adults with developmental disabilities with the skills to reach their goals.
    First Fridays is Caffe Frascati Opera Night presented by First Street Singers, with the Bay Area’s finest opera singers performing your very favorite classical arias and duets live in the cafe!
  • Discover San Jose – 150 South First St., Suite 103 map

    This month YOU are our featured artists… and for a good cause! Stop by DSJ on Friday, pick up a paint brush and contribute to a progressive, one-of-a-kind community art piece that will be auctioned off for two great downtown causes: Christmas in the Park and Downtown Ice.
    The theme: “San Jose: Wish You Were Here” In other words, what is “home” to you? What makes San Jose special in your eyes? Is it a place, a favorite local event or pastime, an intimate gathering spot with friends or your favorite spot to watch the sun set in this amazing climate? Let’s show the world why San Jose is the best city to live, work, play and stay!
    We’ll supply the paint, brushes and canvass. YOU supply the creativity!
  • Downtown Yoga Shala – 450 South First St. map

    Baker Beach Stairs III
    Paths and Portals photography by Marco Zecchin
    Hiking as a child in the Santa Cruz Mountains, lead me to find the subtlest of paths and enchanting hollows and portals. These youthful sensibilities remain embers under the ash of time fanned by the breath of chance and inspiration.
    These days the flicker and sparks of these moments are fodder for my camera. Moments in the presence of magic – if not the mystical. Finding mysterious paths or portals into…
  • Good Karma Vegan Café – 37 South First St. map

    Phantom Galleries presents Five Zero Five by Ashley Gulizia at Good Karma Vegan Café.
    Inspiration is drawn from bright colors, striking shapes, and nature. It is the random things and places that spark perspective. Beauty is all over the place – even the rarest of places. Using light to manipulate dramatic scenes, the world becomes surreal. Opening thought to where beauty lies.
  • The Metro Gallery – 550 South First St. map

    Metro Gallery presents Nature Unraveled Photography By Dharmesh Desai
    Dharmesh Desai is an artist with a long lingering passion for photography, travel and the outdoors. He is known for his rustic journeys where curiosity and a self-taught, impeccable eye for detail allow him to capture the beauty that surrounds him. Dharmesh has framed moments and images of places, things, and beings in some of the most beautiful parts of the world.
    Ever since Dharmesh can remember, he has always had profound respect for nature. He would venture to wilderness camps every chance he got, and be marveled with his surroundings. He wished he could share these breathtaking sights with others but didn’t have the resources.
    Then in 1997, his first year living in Utah, Dharmesh took a trip to Bryce Canyon National Park and brought along a disposable camera. He printed pictures at Walmart and showed one of them to his friend and respected colleague Matt D’Alessandro. “I always admired Matt’s photography, so I picked my favorite picture to show him – just to see what he thought. He said I had a good eye and that made me think twice. It was my ‘ah ha moment’…” recalls Dharmesh. After that, Dharmesh bought a real camera and hasn’t looked back.
    Dharmesh Desai lives in San Jose, CA. He is a Software Engineer and lives with his partner Claire Umeda and her daughter Eva. When he’s not rocking the keyboards at the next hot startup in Silicon Valley or slowly making his way up and down the 101, 280 and 87, Dharmesh enjoys spending quality time with friends and scoping out his next photo-centric adventure.
  • Mezcal Restaurant – 25 W. San Fernando St. map

    Mezcal Restaurant presents an art exhibition by J. Danniel
    Through his paper mache sculptures and his paintings, J, Danniels portrays just how close a relationship Mexican people may have with death. He reminds us of those words by Octavio Paz, “We Mexicans make fun of death, we caress her, we play with her but, always with the utmost respect.”
  • Pho69 – 321 South First St. map

    Phantom Galleries presents Rocks, Waves & Clouds by Matthew Seigel at Pho69.
    Similar to traditional Asian scrolls, Matthew’s paintings capture the impermanence of an idea or location. His new paintings were inspired by the natural beauty of a low tide walk along Maine’s rocky coast.
    Overwhelmed with the colors, forms and relationships of rocks, the sea and sky, Matthew immediately set up an impromptu studio on his father’s farmhouse porch. The result are these modern, vibrant scrolls, acrylic on synthetic rice paper, hung on aluminum rods.
    Matthew invites you to experience Maine.
  • Psycho Donuts – 288 South Second St. map

    art work by Kori Thompson
    Psycho Donuts in downtown San Jose is a quirky donut shop and art gallery. The gallery displays top local artists and has an ongoing exhibit featuring the work of John Renzel, Lacey Bryant, Nicolas Caesar, Murphy Adams, Christine Benjamin, Michael Foley, Michael Borja, Valery Milovic, Carlos Villez, Eric Joyner, Laura Callin Bennett, John Hageman and Robert McColley!
  • South First Billiards & Lounge – 420 South First St. map

    FirstBilliards_La Gran Carpa_II
    art work by Efren Alvarez
    All in One is a collaborative art exhibition between three members of a family. In their first family show, this unit of artists—mother, son, and father utilize different media and expressions, which is evocative in their artwork. Cristina Velazquez (mother) is a mix media seeker. Pedro A. Alvarez-Velazquez (son), at his early 15 years of age has accumulated a vast portfolio of images captured through his different lenses. Efren Alvarez (father) is a painter, who uses the traditional medium of oils to expose highly satirical messages on border issues.
  • Studio Climbing Gym – 396 South First St. map

    The Studio Rock Gym presents photography by John Eric Paulson.
    John Eric Paulson’s images are often cityscapes of Europe with the colors of the Russian painter Kadinsky and the detail of Estes, a photographic realist.
  • TechShop San Jose – 300 South Second St. map

    Eleanor Lawson is an industrial artist and human experience designer, born and raised in the Bay Area, she is inspired to create artful ways of life by finding the intersection between aesthetics and every day functionality.
    Eleanor’s work experience includes volunteering as a set painter for Palo Alto Players, a comic book print production designer for SLG publishing. She then went on to graduate from the Industrial Design program at San Jose State. At SJSU she took particular interest in studying methodologies of product manufacturing applied to local production and distribution
    At Techshop, Eleanor’s work deals with using Autodesk Inventor and 3D printing, as well as mixed media and interactive interactive sculpture.
  • Art Ark Gallery – 1035 South Sixth St. map

    Opening reception 6-9pm: The More the Merrier IV: Salon-Style Art Exhibition & Sale
    This year’s The More the Merrier IV Salon-Style Art Exhibition will showcase the work of 51 bay area artists working in variety of mediums and styles. In the tradition of the French salon-stye exhibition design, participating artists are encouraged to install as much art as they can within their allocated space. The gallery will be packed with art to dazzle the eyes and stimulate the senses. The majority of artwork on display will be priced under $200 and art may be purchased directly off the walls on the evening of the art openings. Come to see the art, meet the artists, mingle with friends and family, listen to live music performed by local musicians and enjoy the food, fun and festive atmosphere!
    Participating artists: Carol S. Aaron, Alan Bayudan, Andrew Bayudan, Laura Bennett, Mary Berry, Marconi Calindas, David Canavese, Shone Chacko, Jason Challas, Nauhxa Chavira, Dotti Cichon , J. Duncan Cook, Nathan Cox, Susanna Davy, CarolannEspino, Roberto Fierro, Peter Foley, Sonia Garcia, Gilbert Gonzales, Larry Harrell, Karen Holaday, Colleen Hubbard, Gloria Huet, Laura Kachelmeyer, Barbara Kirst, Malia Landis, Christine Latta, Elaine Lujan, Karen McCann, Gwen Mercado-Reyes, Peter Moen, Andrew Muonio, Christine Oliver, Avery Palmer, Michael Pauker, Gianfranco Paolozzi, Elizabeth Patrician, Lee Petty, Nora Raggio, Valerie Raps, Chauncey Rasmussen, Aimee Santos, Dana Seeger, Rtystk Shavers, Mashaal Sheik, Joseph Skowrinek, Robbie Sugg, Silvia Taylor, Zoe Todd, Roxanna Walker, Jeff Wilson, Gayle Yankee, Emily Yin
    With Live Music by: Mark Davis Accordion Duo.

Friday, June 7, 2013

6th Annual SubZERO Festival TODAY!

South FIRST FRIDAYS presents the 6th Annual SubZERO Festival

Focused on emerging and present subcultures thriving in our region, SubZERO is a diy, artistically bent, hi/lo-techno mashup where street meets geek. Come downtown on June 7th to San Jose's SoFA District from 6pm 'til midnight for an inspired evening of arts & culture. In addition to the South FIRST FRIDAYS monthly art walk you'll find outdoor stages of entertainment plus artists, performers & musicians celebrating the indie creative spirit!

FRIDAY JUNE 7, 2013 from 6pm-midnight
SoFA district in downtown San Jose
(on South First Street between San Carlos & Reed Streets)

Be sure to follow us on Twitter ( and keep in touch here on Facebook to keep up with the latest news as the festival approaches.

2013 SubZERO Artists/Creative Vendors
Alan Hackler
André Hart
Al Preciado
Alfredo Reyes
Art Alive Gallery
Artist As Specimen
Avery Palmer
Baysics Clothing
Becca's Studio
Black & Brown
Black Cat Collective
Black Lotus Clothing
Blitz Fashion Show
Bloco del Sol
Blunt Letters
Bryan Lovo
Bugs and Monsters
Canvas Ghost
Cardoboard Box Theater
Chivaz Wear
Christian Cabuay
Classic Loot
Josh Nimoy
Reza Ali
Xavi Vives Riba
James Morgan
Vinit Patil
Ed Key + David Kanaga,
Dan Lynch
Lucas Calderin & Spencer Poff
Content Magazine
Corpus Callosum
Crossroads Trading
Current Tattooing
Cynthia Gonzalez
David Canavese
David Mejia
Death Before Dishonor
Dorothy Whitman
Effie's Heart
Faerie Goatmother
Fernando Amaro
Francisco Franco
Frank Aguilar
Friends With Benefits
Galactic Romance
Gianfranco Paolozzi
Good Karma Bikes
Groovepainter Micah
Higher Fire Clayspace & Gallery
Jai Rodriguez
James Pollard
Jean Davis
Jeff Hemming
Jim Fonsenca
Jodi Mascarenas
Jose Angeles
Joshua Quinonez
Julie Bilyeu
Jumble Jimbles
Kathryn Hedges
Keith Bunnell
Knotty Boards
Kori Thompson
Korrupt Label
Laptop Orchestra at SCU
Lauren Baines Dance Co
LAuruS Myth
Loopy Cam by Tim Thompson
Lucy and Mabel Jewelry
Luna Park Chalk Arts Festival
Marie and Chris
Matthew Lopez
Matthew Seigel
Mejia Arts
Michele Guieu
Mighty Mike McGee
Morgan Richardson
The One Thousand Thousand Project
Oversocial MOFO Revue
Persephone Dance Company
POPS Fabrication
Radio KKUP 91.5fm
Rock 'n the Trend
Sam Raske
Sandi Billingsley
San Jose Bike Clinic
San Jose Bike Valet
San Jose Rock Shop
San Jose Yarnbombers
Showroom by The Usuals
SJ Rockage
SLG /ArtBoutiki
South Bay Circus Arts
Steamy Tech
Steven Haman
Steven Reece
SV Roller Girls
Tahira: The Pure Dance Theatre
Techshop San Jose
There There
Tiny Splendor
Wesley Wright
Zatoon Clothing

BLITZ Fashion Show

3 Stages of Music featuring:
Adira Shark
Brother Grand
Corpus Callosum
Halo Between
Haptic Synapses
Mad Noise
Mark Camp (aka Astronout)
Rin Tin Tiger
The Seaons
Silent Pictures
Together We Are Robots
The Wild Reeds

Better Brew Tasting Garden, sponsored by Lagunitas & hosted by BetterBeerBlog

Delicious array of Food Trucks:
Banjara Bistro
Barefoot Coffee
Cheese Bandits
Eat On Monday
MoBowl Food Truck
O Mi Ninja
Quick Dog
Twisted Chill

SubZERO Festival is made possible by the artists & creatives listed above and by these amazing sponsors:

Lagunitas Brewing
San Jose Downtown Association
TechShop SJ
Bay Brewer's Guild
1st ACT

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

ARTRAGE Tomorrow at the San Jose Museum of Art

November 15, 2012
7–10 PM
Tickets are $5 after 5 PM
(2-for-1 for members; free for college students, faculty, and staff with ID)
Live entertainment and creative fun inspired by the new exhibition Dive Deep: Eric Fischl and the Process of Painting. Explore the museum to 1980s tunes from The Next Wednesday Band and beach-y steelpan music from Cardinal Calypso. Get creative with DIY Art for adults and a demo of 3-D printing from TechShop. Join your friends at the “hot tub time machine” photo-booth. Beer, wine, and pub food are available at Café Too (no-host bar). College Night: The Nov. 15 ArtRage is free to college students, faculty, and staff with ID. 

Friday, September 7, 2012


from Phantom Galleries 

Friday, SEPT 7th, 7pm–11pm!

Free & open to the public.
A self-guided evening tour through galleries, museums, and independent creative businesses featuring 18 venues that participate by presenting exciting art exhibitions and / or special performances. In addition to the monthly art walk, September 7th is the nighttime urban faire STREET MRKT that brings together over 40 local artists, creative indie vendors, a special performance by Cielo Vertical Arts and a live music stage with performances by the Ferocious Few, Drop Dead Sixty and Dirty Pillows out on South First Street (between San Carlos and San Salvador streets.)

Street Mrkt participating artists / creatives:
17jewels, 57-33 Clothing, Anointed Apparel, Becca’s Studio, Betwixt, Sandi Billingsley, Blue Dream Project, Boombotix, Mchael Borja, Bugs & Monsters, Keith Bunnell, Buttons by Maria, David Canavese, Cielo Vertical Arts, Crossroads Trading, Death Before Dishonor, Devil Rose Vintage, Francisco Franco, Galactic Romance Clothing, Emo Gonzales, GoodLifeRoots, Ike Greca, Cynthia Gonzales, Andre Hart, Jumbo Jibbles, Matt Lopez, Luna Chalk Arts Fest, Frances Marin, Mejia Arts, LAuruS Myth, Jose Nunez, Old Souls Clothing, Out of Print Vintage, Poetry Center San Jose, Al Preciado, Steven Reece, Rock N The Trend, Matthew Bailey Seigel SLG/Art Boutiki, Social Villains, Tacti Design, TechShop SJ, Visual Confections, Wadl and Zatoon Clothing
In addition to wonderful restaurants and cafés in the SoFA district, the Grilled Cheese Bandits, MoGo BBQ, O Mi Ninja, Quick Dog, Scoopy SJ and the WoW Truck will be on site in the parking lot next to Anno Domini Gallery.

For full listing of events and more information: please visit or call 408-271-5155