Sunday, December 28, 2014

152 Terraine Street Torn Down

Some bad news today--unfortunately the historic Vogliazzo house at 152 Terraine Street was not able to be saved. The plan was to move it to Little Italy, but not enough money was not raised.

The home was razed to make way for the Silvery Towers project, which is supposed to officially break ground in April. However, it would have been nice to preserve this house and move it somewhere else in San Jose.

Destruction of 152 Terraine Street from WMS media Inc. on Vimeo.


  1. Actually, it is going to break ground in March. The site preliminary begins shortly.

  2. Interestingly, there was an old 1900-ish Arts n Craft-style house on Pearl Avenue next door to Holy Family church that just got demolished as well. I never got to see the house as all these decades it was hidden from view in the middle of an extremely dense foliage. It was a good looking home too. No idea what is to become of that parcel now that it is cleared away.

    One thing we can take away is that at least the Vogliazzo house will be replaced by Silvery Towers, and that the heritage of San Jose's Italian-Americans are already being preserved via Little Italy!

    I'd also like to point out that around the Vogliazzo house there are also three other vintage homes (one being the Fallon House itself) that have been restored and will be preserved for a long time.
